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This service is available exclusively for residents who live in Ware County, Georgia. Residents of Bickley, Deenwood, Dixie Union, Jamestown, Manor, Millwood, Ruskin, Sunnyside, Waresboro, and Waycross cities and unincorporated areas of Ware County Georgia may qualify. Upon approval applicants must have an electronic accessible or a physical copy of the bill to receive assistance. An electronic accessible option is allowed for public members who may receive their utility bill only through email as an e-statement. If a physical copy of the bill is inaccessible, public members approved for assistance can email their most current utility bill to after approval has been confirmed. If the utility bill cannot be sent via email, nor is a current physical copy accessible, the only other option allowed is to access the bill using one of our in-house computers. Approved applicants who must use an in-house computer should know their login username and password to avoid any further delays. Approved applicants using an in-house computer will log into their utility bill companies, as the organization will never request a public members login credentials. Upon successfully acquiring the most current utility bill, applicants will print a copy for documentational purposes, and will confirm that their login credentials have been completely erased from our in-house computer systems. Ware County, Georgia residents may apply for this service once every six months. The bill must be either an electronic, gas, or water utility. Additionally, an up-to-date state issued driver's license or state issued identification card is required to receive this service. All requested documentations are for organizational use, and must be provided to receive assistance. Please allow up to 48-hours for application processing before contacting the organization for application updates. Additionally, we encourage applicants to please check their emails for application updates as email communication is our first application status update method. Application determinations will be first provided through email, to which upon approval applicants must call and select an available time to come into our public office.

You must create an authorization code:
An authorization code is required as it allows the organization to discuss the status of  one's application. Your unique authorization code should be the first four digits of your social security number and the number of your residential address. You are not required to show your social security card at anytime, though your proof of address (residency) is necessary to receive assistance. If you don't have a social security number please use the first four numbers of your Tax I.D. #. Your Tax I.D. should match the information on your state issued identification card.

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