
Our Public Office Services
What Are Our Public Services?
These services are provided at our publicly accessible office spaces during hours of operation (8:00a.m.-4:00p.m.) Most of these services can be provided for all public members, with limitations on utility bill pay assistance, which currently requires recipients to be residents of Ware, County, Georgia. Both Food Assistance & Utility Bill Pay Service are available to apply for when the "Apply Here" link appears down below by their respective categories.
Computer Lab
Our computer lab is accessible to public members from the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Public members are provided with 2 consecutive hours of computer access (use) each day. Public members may utilize the computer for educational, personal, job-related, or research-based purposes. Public members must sign in to occupy the computer lab. We kindly restrict access to the computer lab at 3:45 p.m. in reference to preparing the organization for closing.
Domestic Violence Awareness, Prevention, and Support
We provide literature and other resources to help public members understand domestic violence and its many different forms. Literature can be picked up at our public office or requested to be sent by mail. Public members may ask any member of staff for assistance in providing awareness, implementing preventative practices, and finding supportive resources to better understand domestic violence and all levels of support. Public members who desire to confidentially speak with a staff member about domestic violence occurrences or exposure are welcomed to and if by phone can remain anonymous. Public members who desire to confidentially speak with a staff member about domestic violence occurrences or exposure in-person are welcomed to do so at any of our public entities.
Food Assistance Services (FAS)
Food Assistance Services (FAS) are available to members of the public upon availability.
Availability is measured by the organization’s monthly allowances set forth for providing food assistance. County of residence is not a factor in receiving food assistance. This service can be provided once a month per household. Applications are processed once received, and applicants will be contacted by email and phone upon approval. FAS are standardized packages and cannot be modified. Members are not allowed to substitute additional items for items they prefer less. Approved applicants will need to show their current state issued driver’s license or identification card upon receiving this in-person service. Approved applicants should additionally have at least one form of proof of residency as residency is the determining factor to receiving this service. Only the listed applicant can pickup their food assistance package.
Access to our online support groups are available 24-hours a day. We allow this access through our organization’s Adobe Connect Virtual Room that can be visited by clicking here. The organization is not a crisis hotline nor provide emergency services. We strive to bring awareness, prevention, and support of and for domestic violence, economic inequalities, homelessness, impoverishment, mental disorders, sexual abuse, or societal disadvantages. You can remain anonymous when entering the room if desired. All room occupants are asked and expected to comply with the rules posted on the backdrop of the room.
Utility Bill Pay Assistance (UBPA)
Utility Bill Pay Assistance (UBPA) service is provided for individuals or families who may be unemployed, experiencing low income, impoverishment, or an assortment of all three. Utility bill pay assistance may be provided once for either an electric, gas, or water bill utility every six-months. Individuals who have an electric, gas, and water bill utility may qualify to receive assistance for all three utilities as long as a particular utility is not requested twice within a six-month period. A state issued current (non-expired) driver’s license or identification card is required to receive this service. To qualify for UBPA applicants must meet the qualifications listed below.
1. Applicants must live in Ware County, Georgia (U.S.A) and need assistance with either an electric, gas, or water utility bill.
2. The applicant should ensure that their name is the name also on the utility bill.
3. The applicant requesting assistance should provide a physical copy of the utility bill in person if approved for assistance. If a physical copy is not accessible applicants should provide the most current e-statement for the utility bill. For approved only applicants who are unable to obtain or send a physical copy or e-statement of their utility bill. The only option left is to visit one of our public offices and access the utility bill using one of our in-house computers. Approved applicants should know their username and password as the organization cannot log into any individual's account. Once the most current bill is printed approved applicants can receive financial assistance towards their utility bill.